Home Ownership and Class Struggle
I often debate with myself whether securing one’s own future (through existing capitalist means) is at odds with participating in the struggle for the liberation of all people from the capitalist system itself? For example, would my personal act of purchasing a home for myself and my family represent an act of bad faith against fellow members of the working class in our shared struggle against the ruling class.
From my own understanding of class struggle, the entire concept of property ownership lies at the root of many of our collective issues, yet as living creatures, our first priority must be to ensure our basic needs for survival are met. Our basic survival includes things such as guaranteeing food and shelter, yet in our current capitalist society, securing our own shelter typically means homeownership — if you want to avoid exploitation at the hands of a landlord. My concern being that this action necessitates one’s own participation in the land-owning class of our society. How can I truly stand for the abolition of colonial systems of land and property ownership when I have willingly participated in this system myself?
I know that many people would argue that the security provided by home ownership might allow a level of freedom necessary for the participation in class struggle — and I don’t disagree with this sentiment completely. I just feel that it puts a person into a morally ambiguous or potentially hypocritical position from which to advocate for those who deserve a safe place to exist, but without the means to afford one in the capitalist marketplace. I don’t think it’s fair.
I would love to eventually have my own home — as in a space that is mine to occupy, where I feel safe and comfortable, and free from rent-exploitation by landlords, but I don’t necessarily want (or need) to own this place myself. I’m not concerned with the future exchange value of property, I just want to feel secure. I think that this internal debate only serves to reinforce the alienation we can feel as a result of our existence within the capitalist system and an issue that is the direct result of commodifying a basic human need. It forces us to pit our own morals and values against our own survival, and drives us to secure our selfish desires over the collective benefit of all.